On May 26th the Los Angeles County Health Officer issued a revised order: Safer at Work and in the Community
In this order, four categories of businesses are allowed to reopen:
1 - Lower-Risk Retail Businesses
2 - Manufacturing and Logistics sector businesses that supply Lower-Risk Retail Businesses
3 - Non-Essential office-based businesses (although telework is strongly encouraged)
4 - Indoor Malls and Shopping Centers
Businesses in these categories are allowed to open under certain conditions. Those are specified in a set of appendices attached to the order.
Find the appropriate Appendix for your operation here
APPENDIX A: Social Distancing (Essential Businesses) - This was part of the April 10th update of the Health Order
APPENDIX B: Retail Businesses Opening for In Person Shopping Protocol
APPENDIX C: Warehousing, Manufacturing, Logistics Protocol
APPENDIX D: Office-Based Worksites Protocol
APPENDIX E: Shopping Center Operators Protocol
APPENDIX F: Places of Worship Protocol
Find other L.A. County documents and protocols here http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/coronavirus/
Find City of Los Angeles orders and resources here: https://www.lamayor.org/COVID19Orders